Our skilled team of teaching and care professionals work with parents and carers to deliver outstanding outcomes and inspire the future that every child deserves.
From the vegetable patches and chickens at Access School in Shropshire, to the smaller sensory rooms at Eden School in Macclesfield, our amazing schools are designed to provide unique and creative learning experiences for children and young people who have not been able to thrive in mainstream settings.
If you have a passion for education and a talent for teaching and learning, then working at one of our schools will be a job like no other. We create and deliver innovative programmes of learning, built to fit around the needs of each and every individual young person who walks through the school door.
We are constantly striving to be the best, and like our pupils, we are learning and developing every day. We need inspirational, committed and empathic teachers, pastoral and support staff to help us to continue to grow and provide quality care and education to our pupils.
Each day brings new challenges. If you have the resilience and determination to get through the tough times, you will reap the benefits. Helping our young people be the best they can be is irreplaceable.
Our schools offer an extensive range of academic, practical, vocational, sport and leisure activities. Our children and young people are free to learn, excel and achieve, all whilst developing the social and communication skills that they need.
You can take enormous pride in your contribution to their development with an education career at Family Care.
Our skilled team of teaching and care professionals work with parents and carers to deliver outstanding outcomes and inspire the future that every child deserves.
From the vegetable patches and chickens at Access School in Shropshire, to the smaller sensory rooms at Eden School in Macclesfield, our amazing schools are designed to provide unique and creative learning experiences for children and young people who have not been able to thrive in mainstream settings.
If you have a passion for education and a talent for teaching and learning, then working at one of our schools will be a job like no other. We create and deliver innovative programmes of learning, built to fit around the needs of each and every individual young person who walks through the school door.
We are constantly striving to be the best, and like our pupils, we are learning and developing every day. We need inspirational, committed and empathic teachers, pastoral and support staff to help us to continue to grow and provide quality care and education to our pupils.
Each day brings new challenges. If you have the resilience and determination to get through the tough times, you will reap the benefits. Helping our young people be the best they can be is irreplaceable.
Our schools offer an extensive range of academic, practical, vocational, sport and leisure activities. Our children and young people are free to learn, excel and achieve, all whilst developing the social and communication skills that they need.
You can take enormous pride in your contribution to their development with an education career at Family Care.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ac augue convallis, feugiat purus nec, ornare purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse posuere nisl sed elit elementum sagittis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ac augue convallis, feugiat purus nec, ornare purus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. auctor nisl sed varius ornare. Phasellus facilisis malesuada quam et pretium. Morbi sollicitudin non libero vel porttitor. Aenean quis nulla sed nibh condimentum convallis ut tristique turpis. Nullam in efficitur dolor, sit amet pulvinar lorem.